App company name change


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2011
Could a company name change cause a paid app to refuse to work on a second device? I have several from one company, and they all informed me that the apps on the Acer A500(ICS) needed to be paid for. I had bought all last year, Google has them listed as paid. There have been no updates from this company recently. I update manually so I can keep track. I also have the apps on a rooted Nexus S running CM9. No problem there.

I have quite a few apps I bought, and it was only this one company that had a problem. All the others opened on both phone and tablet.

I couldn't even delete and redownload - I had to do a factory reset. I did ask the company, and policy had not changed. They were running just fine on tablet again as of last night. Will have to check tonight.


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
I have 2 or 3 apps that changed names and never experienced that. Recently installed them on a new device, no problem. The only thing I can think of that would cause that problem would be using different Google credentials. It isn't a Google policy to prevent those from being installed.


Senior Member
Jul 29, 2011
Google probably does. The app was on the tablet, has been on the tablet since I bought the tablet in May and it has been running well. Google has the app as purchased.
After a reset, the app downloaded and installed with no problem. Some update or something must have messed with the key for those apps. It only affected Green Mountain Digital. Didn't affect Sky Safari plus, ibird, CO wildflowers, Mobile Observatory, et al. all paid apps.