Hello and why am I getting a red border flashing up?


Jul 25, 2012
Hi, I've just acquired my first Android tablet. I am an iPhone owner and can't face the thought of the cost of replacing my 3G iPhone with a new model at some point in the future so I thought I would investigate Android through buying a cheap 7" Cloudnine Neuropad Simplicity. So far so good. For £70 it seems to do all the things that I expected and seems just as good as a more expensive tablet, though the screen could probably be better, but I am not a gamer so not too important and photos look OK. I am still finding my way round it and one query I have is that every now and then a red border flashes up on the screen when I have tapped something. It only happens occasionally but it is not clear what it is indicating. Is this a common Android thing or particular to the Neuropad?


Staff member
Nov 4, 2010
Hello and welcome to the forum!

I am unsure on your issue but hopefully someone will be along that might have an answer for ya ;)...


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi saxicola, congratulations on your new Neuropad and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, there isn't a forum specifically for your tablet. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to go. Just click that link and you'll be there. With regard to that red border flashing up on the screen, I believe that's something peculiar to your tablet. I've never come across any reference to it on other tablets. Enjoy the forum!