Hi all - new guy here!


Feb 4, 2012
Hi everyone & thanks for welcoming me to your forums.

I have a technical background, and I'm into hacking gadgets. This kind of describes me. I don't have a tablet yet, but actually I just bought one on eBay about an hour ago. It's bricked - "freezing on startup screen". So of course I'll have to figure out how to get it working again. I'm guessing 90% chance of software issues, maybe 10% chance it's a hardware issue. Buying a unit that is already bricked will leave me no choice but to hack it. If I bought a new one, I might be hesitant to hack it.

I should get this unit about mid-week, and obviously the first goal is just to get it working again, then get some customizations going.

Once I get it in my hands - BTW it's a Coby Mid7016-4G - I'll let you know how it goes in further posts.

Hope also that down the road I can contribute a little wisdom back to the forum.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new brick.:eek: Never thought I'd be saying that, but it does make sense when I think about it. If you're going to hack it anyway, you might as well get a good price on it. The Coby was a good choice since we've got a very good support community for those tablets and you'll probably be able to get some help if you need it. I've got a feeling it won't be too long before you'll be able to contribute a little wisdom back to the forum. Have fun and enjoy the forum.:cool:


Jan 24, 2012
Welcome to the forum man. I've never seen anyone buy "brocken" tablets to hack them and that's probably the cleverest thing i've heard today!


Senior Member
Jul 13, 2011
Hi crackitopen, welcome to the forum! Glad you're here, hope you can get what you want. Enjoy!:)