Android built-in memory


Jul 6, 2012

I have seen some Android tablets carry different capacity of built-in memory e.g. 4gb, 8gb and 16gb etc.
For what I know, there should be at least 2gb or more storage/memory dedicated to Android OS.
Can the user adjust the built-in memory dedication?
If we use 8gb memory tablet as an example, dedicate 3gb for Android OS and 5gb for storage.

Thank you.


Apr 4, 2013
Far be it from me to have a solution, but I am sure that whatever memory your tablet has, it can be increased with the use of a memory card. My tablet has 4gb, but I have recently bought a 32gb micro memory card and inserted it in the appropriate place. No doubt you could do the same.

Equally, if I have given you duff information, someone will tell me, but imo I am right.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi larry, congratulations on your Hip Street Nova and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. The built-in memory you speak of is managed by Android and is intended primarily for the OS and any apps you install on the tablet. You can add other things to it like books, videos, etc. but doing so increases the likelihood you'll run into "out of memory" problems. As islandman pointed out, most tablets (not all e.g. Kindle Fire) have a MSD slot that allows you to add additional storage in the form of a Micro SD card. This is to give you the ability to add "your stuff" without taking storage away from the system. Most people seem to use that primarily for full length movies and other large items. Enjoy your tablet and the forum!