Android (CyanogenMod 7) for the HP TouchPad is Almost Here!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Android (CyanogenMod 7) for the HP TouchPad is Almost Here! by Pathik Shah | Sunday, 18th Sep 2011

The HP TouchPad, which no one wanted to even touch with a barge-pole, became an instant hit when HP slashed its price fown to $99, in a fire-sale for clearing all TouchPad inventory before discontinuing all webOS development. Not even the iPad must have sold as fast as the TouchPad did in those days. The TouchPad is still being sold on eBay at over a 100% premium.
I’ve already posted why I would love to buy the HP TouchPad, if I could get my hands on one. First of all, the HP TouchPad sports some killer hardware, which is probably among the best in tablets right now. Secondly, even if you aren’t a huge fan of webOS, you should soon be able to install Android on it, thanks to the efforts of the CyanogenMod and Touch-Droid teams.
Soon after the fire-sale started, these two developer teams announced that they were working on an Android Gingerbread port for the HP TouchPad already.
Here’s the first video of CyanogenMod 7 running on the HP TouchPad.
Today, the CyanogenMod team posted yet another video of Android running on the HP TouchPad. They seem to have ironed out a lot of the kinks in the previous ports.

It now supports Wi-Fi, audio and the Android Market, as well as the accelerometer. There are still a few issues, but a working Android port for the HP TouchPad by the CyanogenMod team seems imminent, considering the speed at which they have made progress.