I can not connect to my wifi


Oct 12, 2012
This is my son's new T-907 android tablet. We have a range extender and it will not connect to that just keeps saying obtaining IP address. To connect to our router I have to be sitting on top of it just about in order to connect if I walk more than 3 ft from it it then says I am out of range. All of our other devices connect fine in our house to the range extender.

Any help on what I need to do to get it to connect I greatly appreciate as would my son


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
Welcome to the forum

I have seen this type of problem posted in the past and it was usually the range extender causing the problem For some reason Android tablets have an issue with having been connected to multiple points in range.

My first suggestion would be to see what happens when you turn the range extender off. That would rule out a tablet problem. If that works make certain you take one or the other and delete it from the WiFi list. You may also want to input a fixed IP for one or the other of the access points, preferably the base station, but if the extender then you may need to rely on that for your WiFi.

With all that said you may still be able to get it all sorted and be able to use both but it may take a little work.


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
I tried that and it still won't work.

What exactly did you try? Can you get connected to the router with the extender off? If not you may need to change the channel or the type of security you're using. I have a link regarding WiFi problems in my sig file below. There should be something there that will help.