New Features Coming in Gmail Update: Pinch-to-Zoom and More


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

If you have been one of those folks scratching your head as to why pinch-to-zoom doesn't work in Gmail, and were hoping for the feature to eventually show up, then today's news might please you. Apparently the new Gmail update that will come with Android 4.2 will include several new features, including pinch-to-zoom. Apparently, there's a whole lot more to the new mobile version of Gmail than just that, however. Here's a quick breakdown of just some of the new features:
  • Pinch-to-Zoom - users can zoom in on their emails with a simple pinch gesture.
  • Swipe-to-delete - users can delete or archive their emails with a simple swipe gesture (this feature can be turned off if you are concerned you might accidentally delete emails).
  • You can also mark emails as phishing attempts just like you can mark spam
  • Attachments have been revamped and improved
  • "The new navigation dropdown now pins a shortcut to your inbox to the top of the list."
  • "Gmail now displays the number of unread items for the current label in the top right hand corner. "
The kind folks at AndroidPolice shared this story as well as a downloadable APK file for everyone to try it out. We included a download mirror below, but feel free to hit up their story at the source link below for more details and more download links. Above is a video demo of the new features.

Download: New and Unreleased Android 4.2 Gmail APK File

Source: AndroidPolice
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