New to Tablets Have a Few questions


Nov 9, 2011
Hello everyone,
I just purchased my tablet on November5th. So I'm new to them. I have a Craig 7 inch Touchscreen Tablet Powered by Android 2.2 Model cmp738b. I am familiar with Android. Here are my questions.

I wanted to put music on my tablet from my computer, so I hooked the tablet up with the usb cord. It's not showing up under my devices. I have windows vista. I also tried to hook up the tablet to Windows XP and Windows 7 and both of those systems recognized my system. So my question is..Is there somewhere else my device is listed on vista or is there a way to get my pc ro recognize the tablet?

There are apps on the tablet that I don't want such as Twitter. I know that I go into applications > manage applications. But when I go into the particular app options screen the Uninstall is blurred out. How do I install apps? Am I doing something wrong?

Is there a way to move apps and customize the home screen?
If I go to a blank screen I can add an app and use my finger to drag it into the trash can. But if I try to do that on the homepage all it does is move the screen.

This tablet has facebook on it. when I go on, it says there is an update for it, but when I try to press download nothing happens. So is it even possible to update facebook with out the actual android market. The market I have is called Slide.

I hope that I have not asked too many questions at once. Thanks in advance for any help that is given to me.
e, For the first one, you need install drive for your Android tablet, maybe it isAuto-Completed in Vista system.