Procedures for protecting Auto-nootered NC from B&N incursion?


Jul 26, 2010
OK, I searched & found a lot of fragmented threads on this, so I ask here.
With something from B&N possibly stirring in the bushes (as reported at xda), I would like to do what I can to retain my currently configured Nook Color.
I have a 1.01 Auto-nootered NC & apart from a bunch of added apps that's it.
What steps can I take to restore what I have in the event that B&N messes things up? This would be a good time for someone to list the procedures (or link to same) for preparedness for infiltration with focus on defense & recovery. I realize that we cannot be certain about the nature of an attack, but I am happy to learn the current recommendations.
From what I read, clockwork recovery may not be working for everyone?

Can you post a link to the xda thread? What is B&N planning on doing? Is it an OTA update that will lock down our device?
This has been asked many times before.

"How to backup in case b&n update wipes out my NC?"

-titanium backup
-backup apps with astro
-complete backup with CWR
(all options are backed up on sd card)

note: the updates (up to this point) only break root, they don't wipe your info. So really you just need to re-root and you're back in business.
OK, thanks. Just wanted to make sure I was doing the latest & greatest method. Some of these long threads like about clockwork recovery get so confusing. Starts out with something working great then a few people have issues, then someone bricks their unit, then someone says it is broken, then someone says that they must have done something wrong!!!!!!!:confused: Hard for me to keep up.
Anyway, I guess that's the reality when following behind those here who are pushing the envelope! :)
BTW I love all this, just want to have a kick a** tablet as I wanted to with the WPDN, but it was way to much work. Thanks to auto-nooter I can easily play with the big boys.

Personally, I want to know how to completely disable BN updates. Can it be done? If my NC never moved forward an inch, I'd be perfectly happy with it as it sits right now (except for the endless collection of apps I'm trying and uninstalling until I find the perfect ones..)