Samsung galaxy tablet S7+ dropped now broke, data recovery, help!


Junior Member
Sep 29, 2023
Hi finally found a good forum looking at the menus. Didn't see S7+ so here goes.

Help needed thanks. I have a wifi only, no removable data sim, Samsung T970 Galaxy Tab S7+. Was dropped, pixels then started spreading over the screen within a few days till completely black. Now won't even turn on. I need to recover all the data if possible? Either to another device or stick etc. I might purchase the S9 Ultra, in which case would upload everything directly there. I'm unsure if its really worth repairing the broken S7+? There are numerous PW's etc on it, making me feel uncomfortable giving to any third party repair.

Thanks in advance...


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More than likely the screen simply needs replacement. There's no way to know if it's turning on or not because Samsung tablets really don't give any indications as to their power status when starting them.

If you aren't willing to take the risk of having a third party repair center replace the screen, you'll have to do it yourself. Samsung may be able to repair it but your data will likely be deleted.