Youtube App Now Streams Google Play Movies and TV Shows


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
By Robert Triggs July 1, 2014


You may have noticed a little change in the Android Youtube app very recently, as Google has just updated its back end to integrate your Google Play movie and TV purchases into the Youtube app, bringing the service in line with the desktop feature.

You will now be able to find all of your movie and TV purchases under the new Purchases section in the Youtube menu, right under the Watch Later option. The movies and shows are arranged based on the order that you purchased them, rather than alphabetical order, with the newest ones appearing near the top. Unfortunately, this list can’t yet be categorised or sorted, which could be a pain if you have a large catalogue.

No app updates are necessary to start watching as the change has been made on Google’s side of things, so the feature has been automatically added to your Android smartphone and tablets.