10 must-have accessories for your tablet


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Summary: If you are one of the millions of tablet owners or plan to give one as a gift, don't miss these good accessories to get the most use out of it.

By James Kendrick for Mobile News |June 2, 2014 -- 10:55 GMT (03:55 PDT)

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10 must-have accessories for your tablet

Tablets, tablets everywhere! It seems everybody has one or plans to get one soon. No matter the brand or platform, having the right accessory can add lots of value to the tablet.

We've scoured the web for the best tablet accessories so you don't have to. This collection has cases, batteries, and wireless accessories to open your tablet right up.

Most of the gadgets in this collection will work with any tablet, with only a few specific to certain models. They are good purchases for self-owned tablets, and good gifts for tablet toting friends and family members. Father's Day is coming up so these might be just the ticket.

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