andavane Introduces Himself


Sep 22, 2012
Good Day to Members,
I am andavane or John and I'm delighted to come across this forum because I have some complex needs.
I'm a wheelchair user who uses a number of devices and PCs of various screen sizes due to the many seating positions I need to use during the day.
When sitting upright I have an IBM (Lenovo) Thinkpad 12.6" and a smaller 11.6" model for testing programs on.
Both are Windows-7 and Ubuntu 12.04 dual-booted. I vastly prefer Ubuntu due to its stability and keep Windows for when I really have to.

I also have a Sony Xperia Pro Mobile in Android.

My issue is that when I need to rest I have to put the laptops away, but I want to continue the work I am doing, in Word Processing and also Mind Mapping.

The mobile is too small and limited for this so I'm looking for a tablet to help fill the gap. A 10" screen is likely a bit large but I don't want as small as the Xperia Pro. I am very used to a keyboard, not a touch screen, and I need to devise a method of putting the tablet on a stand. I see some Tablets have a stand of sorts and can fold up like a magazine, and a few have keyboards. The Sony looks a great possibiity, and I believe there are a few suitable Tablets on the way.

I'd be thrilled if there were a suitable tablet, possibly 7—8" in size which would fill the gap between 12" and 4" a nd which can be used lying down lor propped.

Much looking forward to memnbers' knowledge, advice and suggestions!

Regards, andavane


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011

Good day to you as well John and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets, it's nice to have you as a member. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the Android Tablet Discussions section. I'm going to move your thread over there for you so folks can discuss your tablet requirements with you and hopefully make some suggestions.

Good luck!


Sep 22, 2012
Thank you.
I use Docs2Go full.
I'm not sure what the problem would be with 7" or 8" as it creates fine on the 4½ in Sony, but it's a bit small.
At the moment I'm really just flirting with Tablets and will look at everything.
I expect the relationship to become serious around Christmas, with a full-blown purchase in March 2013.
-- John, andavane