[APP] "QUICKLY" Launch apps from the Jelly Bean notification menu


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 6, 2011

Android Jelly Bean added the expandable notifications to get more info about the email you just received, or that text that just came in. The folks at Decad3nce have released an app that is a great use of these expandable notifications. This app allows you to add shortcuts to your favorite apps and access them from the notifications via a persistent notification that is (you guessed it) EXPANDABLE!

Originally created as a test to see if it could be done is now available for purchase.

Here are some shots of it in action (normal on the left, expanded on the right):

As you guessed, this requires Android 4.1 or higher.

If you want to launch your apps without going to the home screen and/or app drawer, it may be perfect for you. But, if you hate extra notifications it may be more of an annoyance than it is worth to you.

Just a warning: The Play Store description says that it is not optimized for tablets yet, well, not exactly...
Decad3nce said:
Tablet layouts are as ugly as paris hilton in daylight

So you may want to wait if you are keen on asthetics.

It is just $0.99 over at the Play Store, so head on over and grab a copy if you are interested.

Source: AndroidPolice


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 6, 2011
Yours truly decided to take the plunge.

It was acting a bit sluggish and for some reason during the setup needed to launch settings before it could actually choose shortcuts, but once that was done it worked great.

You can configure up to 8 shortcuts (I beleive they are going to add more if 8 is not enough).

Here is a shot of it on my tablet:


If you are running Android 4.1, it will work just the same but pop up from the bottom instead of a dropdown.

It does what it says. I think I will definitely not be requesting a refund on this one.


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Jan 5, 2011
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