Brand New Tablet for Sale (Only Joking ;)


Aug 24, 2012
Hi everyone. I felt that the username Obelix matched the way I felt when I signed up to — not very clever and not from this century.
Why did I buy myself a tablet? Hmm, probably something to do with masochism. As if I didn't have enough problems.

OK, this is how NOT mod I am: I can't stand facebook or twitter. I have a facebook account with 3 friends and I log in maybe once a month when I'm bored or drunk or both.

I have breakfast with my laptop and I spend most of the day on it. I do like gadgets. I was thinking of getting myself a smart phone, but considering the size of the screen, my age and fading eyesight, I finally decided on a tablet instead. I ended up with a
Vida IT Bellatrix II 10.2 Inch 1.5Ghz Android 4.0 4GB Tablet PC 1GB DDR3 RAM

Seems quiet decent for a start, only problem is that I don't have a clue where to start. The simplest tasks take hours to find out how to. And there is no how-to to be found. The manual is a 25 page mini leaflet — Google translation — with lots of unidentifyable pictures. So, unless I find somebody near me that is willing to talk me through this, I will be on this forum a lot, asking a lot of silly questions.

Looking forward to lots of clever answers,



Senior Member
Jan 14, 2012
You forgot to say that you are the lucky owner of a good sense of humor :)

Never heard about your new toy but it sounds like a decent tablet.

When you get familiar to it you will hopefully find that it is very convenient when you are on the move. A tablet is in my experience not a replacement for a laptop (yet) but rather an addition. There are things that I prefer to do on my tablet like playing brainy games like ruzzle, Work feud and Sudoko. I normally do this when ever I have a spare minute (like when watching the news and finding out that there are no news) and really dont feel like sitting down at my computer.

If you need a manual with a few more details try this online guide: Android Manual, Android User Guide


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Obelix,

Congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Unfortunately, there isn't a forum specifically for your tablet. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to go. Just click that link and you'll be there. It's intended for folks who have a tablet that doesn't have a specific forum for it.

To get started learning about tablets and Android, I'd suggest you go to that same section and read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android.

It's a little scary how much we have in common, I might have written much of your first couple paragraphs myself. Based upon that, I'm pretty sure you'll do just fine.


BTW Your friend Astrix is also a member of the forum. He's in Singapore, in case you've been looking for him.:rolleyes:


Aug 24, 2012
Thank you both for your welcome.

Thank you for the User Guide link Tanzanite, this is way more useful than the booklet that came with my gadget. I bought it at
and it really seems like a decent enough tablet for 150 Euro. As you can see, it looks identical to the Superpad VI on the site you gave me, higher in specs, but a lot smaller harddrive.

Hi Spider, thanks for the link. I have been reading up and down the Q&A and have found a few interesting bits. But sometimes you just get tired of searching and all you want is an answer. I know I'll get there eventually. Only, when you get older you get slower, at the same time technology keeps moving faster, so catching up is turning into 'one step forward - two steps back'.

BTW Are you sure this is the real Asterix? There's a lot of impersonators about, you know ;)


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
BTW Are you sure this is the real Asterix? There's a lot of impersonators about, you know ;)

I'm hoping, if you run into him on the forum, you'll have some questions for him that only the real Asterix could answer correctly.:rolleyes:


Aug 24, 2012
I'm hoping, if you run into him on the forum, you'll have some questions for him that only the real Asterix could answer correctly.:rolleyes:

Got them all lined up for him:

What's our favorite meal?
What's our favourite past-time?
Can I have some magic potion, please?
Can you help me with my tablet?


Nov 10, 2012
I ended up with a
Vida IT Bellatrix II 10.2 Inch 1.5Ghz Android 4.0 4GB Tablet PC 1GB DDR3 RAM

Hi Obleix, I bought two of the exact same one from received both yesterday, and neither work.
When you turned yours on what was the screen like?


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Lee, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets.


Aug 24, 2012
I ended up with a
Vida IT Bellatrix II 10.2 Inch 1.5Ghz Android 4.0 4GB Tablet PC 1GB DDR3 RAM

Hi Obleix, I bought two of the exact same one from received both yesterday, and neither work.
When you turned yours on what was the screen like?

Hi Lee, I don't remember having that problem. So far I'm quite happy with the tablet. I like especially the connectivity. But I am not using it a lot. I'm too busy playing with my Sony Tipo now :)

I have put some screen shots up for you. That's the way it opens up, in that order.


Let me know how you get on contacting the suppliers. I had some question for them, but never managed to get through to them on the phone.



Nov 10, 2012
Thanks a million. There must be something wrong with the two of them. I'll try them tomorrow.. Thanks for getting back to me.