Can Not Connect to Home Network


Oct 23, 2013
Hi I'm a newbee to this forum, so please bare with me, I not sure where I should be in this forum to be able to ask a question. So here go's I have an iPad but have great difficulty in connecting to my iPad to my home network (LAN), in fact I'm told that this iPad will not connect to my network as there are no apps available and the OS is not COMPATIBLE. Wasn't told this when we brought this from the high street, in fact was told that connection to my network would be simple. My network has a 4tb storage plus printers plus scanner plus connection to my tv and hi fi system. These can all be accessed via my laptop.

So I have decided to purchase another tablet, but one that works with a windows based OS, I intend to extend my network it include direct download films from love film,

My question is which one ???? I don't need to have storage on or directly attached the tablet, but must be able to access all my LAN devices,

Again if this is the wrong place to ask this question perhaps someone would either move it or show me how.


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
Welcome to the forum

I'm guessiung you didn't mean a Windows tablet, just an Android tablet that would connect to a Windows system. I have yet to see an Android tablet that can't connect to a Windows system, given that the tablet is on the same network and the Windows system is set up with the proper permissions and shares.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Waggie, welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. The best place on the forum for "shopping" information and recommendations is the "Discussions" section where you are. Hopefully, folks will have some suggestions for tablets that would be suitable for your needs.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 30, 2010
If you really want a windows tablet I would recommend the new surface by Nokia. It is just running windows rt so maybe you want to get the older surface pro.

If you just want a nice tablet that can control your computer you can get any android tablet and then use an app like splashtop or any of the many remote desk top apps.


Oct 9, 2013
Welcome to the forum

I have yet to see an Android tablet that can't connect to a Windows system, given that the tablet is on the same network and the Windows system is set up with the proper permissions and shares.
Well, m'friend you haven't seen mine.

Here are the particulars: iRulu 10.1" running under Android 4.0.4 Single 32Gb RAM stick mounted in external slot. Mixed wired/wireless M$ LAN totally P2P

The backbone of my LAN is a Belkin wireless/wired Router which also acts as an ethernet hub. The router is connected to a cable modem thence to the world. It was a trivial task to get the tablet to connect to the router and from there it was connected to the web. The tablet connects to the router via the WiFi settings.


None of the Windows machines already on the LAN can see the tablet even though they CAN see the Directv data connections and the ROKU. Likewise, I have poked around everywhere on the tablet I can think of using the file manager app on the tablet. The LAN - to the best of my knowledge - is already "set up with the proper permissions and shares."

Any ideas where it might be set up incorrectly? I would REALLY like to be able to connect to the LAN. I have a 3Tb USB drive connected to a little obsolete laptop and being shared with the LAN. Any Windows machine that connects to the router whether wired (RJ45 connector and Cat 5 cable) or wirelessly (24 Alpha-meric + symbols character password). My daughter often brings her laptop and has never had any problem joining the LAN, reading from/writing to the shared drive or getting out to the world.

Is there perhaps some app I need to load onto the tablet that the nice folks in China who manufactured the iRulu and loaded the OS and a few apps onto it at the factory?

ANY assistance anyone there could provide would be greatly, GREATLY appreciated. If I am unable to connect with the LAN such that I can get into that big drive's space, or even unable to get the iRulu to talk directly to my laptop, I'm not sure how I'll be able to copy in the music and ebook files to let me make the iRulu into primarily into a reader and music file player which is why I bought it in the first place.
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Senior Member
Aug 18, 2012
If you really want a windows tablet I would recommend the new surface by Nokia. It is just running windows rt so maybe you want to get the older surface pro.

If you just want a nice tablet that can control your computer you can get any android tablet and then use an app like splashtop or any of the many remote desk top apps.

Thanks for the splashtop recommendation. Even streams video with sound, wow.
Thanks for the second edap