Google Play Android applications


Jul 17, 2012
Hi, I am new to this forum. I would like to buy the Samsung Tab 2 10.1 16GB, and I am wondering what applications I can get for it.

Do all applications available in the Google Play market work on all Android tablets? The website only specifies the Android os version, but not the device.

My other question: I have an Android phone (HTC Desire S) and I can see the micro SD card on my PC as a removable disc. I can transfer folders and files as I wish to/from the card.
Will I be able to do the same with the Tab 2 as it is, or will I have to first install a microSD to do that? The provided 16GB should be enough for me, but I want to be able to access it.



Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
Welcome to the forum Joe

There is no cut and dried answer to your first question. Not all of the apps on the Store will work or even install on a tablet. That's usually a decision made by the developer but some were not optimized for tablets so when you do install them they look like the belonged on a phone. There is a site called Tablified that has only Tablet optimized apps on their site.

Your microSD card should work fine.