Hallo all!

Feb 21, 2012
Hallo! My name is Andy, I come from Indonesia, and I have been using Android-powered tablet for some time now. My first device is the first generation Samsung Galaxy Tab, and for a little less than a month now I have been using the Galaxy Tab 7.7. Nice to meet you all!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Andy, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you as a new member here at Android Tablets.
Feb 21, 2012
Hmmm... Sorry.. But I think I introduced myself twice.. Sorry.. But thanks! I will ask questions right away! O:)


Jan 24, 2012
Hey Andy, welcome to Android Tablets! How do you like your new galaxy tab 7.7 comparing to your old tablet?
Feb 21, 2012
I like this much, much better! It is faster, lighter, thinner, the battery last longer, the display of SAMOLED+ is simply amazing, and totally beats the first gen gtab black and blue! :-D the tablet is almost perfect IMO, but there are 2 things that bother me. First is the Honeycomb.. It is very unstable, and multitasking is very unreliable, since apps very often close themselves.. Sometimes this disturb me, but overall performance is not bad.. I can live with it, although I hope the ICS upgrade arrives sooner rather than latter! The second one is the thing that makes the tablet amazing, but also its weakness, which is the screen. The display is amazing, very clear and bright, I compared it with my gf's iPad2, and she said that the display and resolution is much better than the iPad2's (she being an Apple fan). But my screen, although I only use it for a month and a half, has already suffered from a burn-in image. It is pretty obvious if it is seen on a grey blackground. There is a yellow tint marking the screen. :-( It is a little dissapointing, because I expect to use the tab for like 3 years or so.. I can only hope that the screen problem will not get worse, and if it is, I hope Samsung will have it replaced. X-(


Jan 24, 2012
thanks for the feedback. isnt the image burn covered with your warranty? i dont its meant to happen so fast?
Feb 21, 2012
Yes, I think it is covered by the waranty. The 7.7 in Indonesia gets a one year waranty from Samsung Indonesia, but I do not think having it replaced will solve the problem, as I have to replace it again and again. But I think I will ask for it after I get an ICS update.. :-D


Jan 24, 2012
did you hear other people having this problem? maybe its just your device that is getting image burns and not a fault of the series? in any case, a warranty claim is defo on the agenda for you :D
Feb 21, 2012
Hmm.. About other poeple thatI know, I do not know.. But I have read similar problems found on the device in the internet. Unfortunately the problem is real and many have suffered from it. :-(