Hello everyone at Androidtablets.net


Dec 26, 2011
I like to say a nice big HELLO! to everyone on the Androidtablets.net forums. I am a new member came Christmas my dad had fixed up a android tablet MID X5A which I found out is a telechip tablet also spent a couple of hrs trying to get it working with adb finally had gotten adb working thanks to Xaueious for posting the Telechip drivers for adb-mode. I then began to figure out adb mode and try to use adb devices and adb shells came back as no devices surfed some more and came across
-snip- your adb server may be in some wierd state on your computer. From the command prompt (from the \android-sdk-windows\tools folder), type adb kill-server and press enter. Then type adb start-server and press enter. Hopefully this will help!
Thanks to Administrator Xaueious and user Apr2499 I finally got adb working on my tablet. Xaueious guide to using ADB Now I signed up because I need a forum for androids being my first tablet I have gotten this far because my marketplace isnt working so I will be side loading some applications for the time being. I have managed to get quite far within the day of my new tablet and it was all possible because of this community. TL-DR I am happy I stumbled across this community great help just have to do some searching for it thanks again everyone.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
A nice big HELLO to you too brl1214 and welcome to the forum. You sure didn't waste any time getting to work on the new tablet. We're glad to have you here with us as a member and it sounds as though you'll be able to help others very quickly. Have fun!


Dec 26, 2011
Yes indeed I may be of help being decently tech savvy. Thanks for the warm welcome.