HELP!!!!! Fill-able Documents?

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Junior Member
Apr 30, 2016
Hi, everyone! First time poster here - hoping y'all can help me out!

I own my own traveling personal training business. During my consultations, I have my clients filling out about 7 separate forms (medical history, PAR-Q, etc.) and it becomes very tedious to flip through all these papers, not to mention how time-consuming it's becoming to constantly be printing these forms off.
The tattoo shop I go to in Ann Arbor has a tablet with all their forms on it for new clients - you just scroll through the questions, fill it out, and they save it with your name (that's kind-of what I'm looking for, too).

Basically, I'm looking for help to find the right tablet that has the capabilities to help me with the following tasks:
1) convert all my Microsoft Word docs to a fill-able doc (either with clickable options or blank for them to fill-in)
2) have a stylus pen for easy signing
3) be able to save multiple docs for different clients
4) possible invoice capabilities so I can just keep all my business stuff on the tablet
5) obviously wi-fi connectivity

My price point is around $100 - any help would be MUCH appreciated, as I have no idea where to start. Thanks so much!


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
This is your second post like this one and we call it cross posting, which violates the forum guidelines. The thread is closed..

btw: IMO your price point id not obtainable with a stylus.

Follow up in your original thread HELP!!!!! Fill-able Documents?
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