how do i download a CD to my Galaxy tab 2?

Aug 9, 2012
Hey i recently got a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 running 4.0 ics, of course, and i have a bunch of CDs that i want to put on my device... i have no idea what to do. do i need a special app or program? do i have to change format? Any information would be great.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
You need to get a PC program that will "rip" the CD into MP3's. After that, copy the MP3's to a micro SD card and move it to the tablet. There are other ways to transfer the mp3's by cable, wireless, cloud storage etc. but this works well for me.
Aug 9, 2012
thanks. i'll look up a program that can do that. any suggestions? I'm as tech saavy as you can get without being a true "computer nerd" and if i could, a way by wire would be nice. i don't have a micro SD card yet, getting one soon tho.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
If you Google search, you'll find lots of free conversion programs out there. Unfortunately, the one I use is no longer free. Also, I'm betting it won't be long before one of our Supporting Vendors joins the discussion and makes some software recommendations. Not a bad thing, they have some excellent products and would be able to guide you along if you have any problems using them. One nice thing about ripping the CD's is you can eliminate the songs you don't like, I don't have a single CD that I like every song on.:rolleyes:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jan 6, 2011
The most common programs for ripping CDs to the PC are iTunes and Windows Media Player. If you have a Mac or a PC chances are you already have one of these programs. Some adjustments might need to be made in the settings of each before you get started so that you end up with MP3 files rather than AAC (iTunes) or WMA (Windows) formats which can sometimes only be played on devices by Apple or Microsoft.

If you don't have either of these you can Google to find a download of either or a third party program as well as how to set the rip format to MP3. Once ripped you should be able to plug your tablet into the PC with the usb cord (which is probably also the charging cord) that came with it. The PC should recognize the tablet as an external drive then it is a matter of copying the music files (or any files) over from the PC to the tablet.
