I am cheap


Feb 25, 2013
Good evening to all. I am new to the forum, hence the new member introduction. I live on the central coast of California, USA. I am of the age to have grown up with computers. I remember the Commodore 64, the 386, 486, and when 75Mhz was blazing fast clock speed. I am not an expert by any means. I know my way around computers but if you start using all of the jargon, my eyes start to glaze over.

I am cheap, in that I spend/waste(?) my money on off brand gadgets. So far I have been fortunate and have not suffered any ill consequences. I bought 2 iRulu 10.1 inch AN101 tablets for the wife and myself and some 7 inch tablets AL003's for the kids. The worst thing I have to say about them is that the battery life on the 7 inch tablets is pretty atrocious, but what can you expect for $70.00. Anyway, I am not an Apple person. I do not dislike Apple or Apple people, although they can be annoying :p. I just don't want to spend 500 plus, even for the safest, fastest, blah blah blah on the face of... so I chose Android, cause, well, it isn't Window OS :eek: Kiddding. I have Windows OS's on my non tablet devices.

Long story short, I am sure I have questions that need or will to be answered as that is what lead me here in the first place. I will try to chime in from my own limited experience and hopefully have a good time.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Good evening to you as well Caliman. Congratulations on all those tablets and welcome to the forum. Glad to have you here with us and glad to hear you'll be helping out when you can. Unfortunately, there aren't any fora specifically for those tablets. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to go for help. Just click that link and you'll be there. It's intended for folks who don't know what tablet they have and those like yourself who have a tablet that doesn't have a specific forum for it. Don't worry though, you'll have plenty of company there. Enjoy the forum!