Looking for VTAB1008 screen dimensions


Jul 2, 2012
I've searched through the webs and called vizio but I cant seem to find the L x W of the screen.
Is anyone able to give me this measurement?
Here are 2 different dimensions

If you can keep Gingerbread on the tablet the screen is roughly:
4 3/4" X 6 1/2"

If you have Honeycomb then its;
4 3/4 X 6"

The reason its smaller in Honeycomb you loose one of the best features of the tablet which is having a row of home icons below the screen not using screen space (they rotate with the tablet) They are disabled in Honeycomb and the buttons are now use the bottom 1/2 inch of the screen.

This feature was one of the reasons I choose the Vizio with out it I would never have considered it. Especially now there are allot better tablets on the market around the same price or lower, most of which can have ICS and can be rooted.
Yep, I measured 4.75 x 6.25 for the actual size of the screen black edge to black edge.
To me this is still a great value, a little bigger screen (even with Honeycomb) than many others plus GPS and HDMI out which is lacking on most others in this price range.

I was very surprised (and dissapointed) the Nexus 7 did not have HDMI out.
The Acer a110 looks promising. Does anyone know if the vtb will read flash drives?
I will probably sell the Vizio its very slugish and it still can't be rooted

I recently used a friend's Samsung 2 7.0 and for just a little more money it has everything the Vizio has (except an hdmi port which I'll never use (there is an adapter) ) plus
Dual core
1 GB ram
Better battery life
Smaller (easier to carry)

And the biggest reasons:
Samsung vs Vizio wih regards to tablets

Samsung is THE major player with tablets while Vizio treats their tablet like a red headed step child
Samsungs better and more knowledgeable tech support with regards to tablets
Rooting (2 7.0 has been out a couple months and it can already be rooted with ICS)
Vizio has been out for over 1 year and not only is there no root (unless you kept GB)
there is still no ICS.
Vizio still using HC and that wasn't released intil Samsung had already released ICS and allowed it to be rooted.
I don't see ICS in the near future if at all for this Vizio tablet. If it is ever released I'm sure it won't be intil Samsung releases JB for the 2 7.0

If none of the affordable quad-core tablets are released soon (which it doesn't look like they will be) ill be picking up the Samsung.
I'm just looking for something cheap to install in my car. As long as it fits and can read a hd, doesn't matter how slow it is.
As far as now, the majority of 7" screens fit perfectly vertically with no casing. They run a little shy horizontally tho...