New Imagination Technologies PowerVR G6630 Will Be 60X Faster Than Anything Out


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Jan 5, 2011

Computer chip technology is an amazing animal. The more it evolves, the more it helps the next generation of technology evolve, leading to exponential growth. There's a new mobile GPU developed by Imagination Technologies called the PowerVR G6630 which is a prime example of this phenomenon. This new chip will supposedly be 60 times faster than current GPU technology in mobile devices! PowerVR GPUs are found in multiple mobile devices include Androids and iPhones, and although it will likely take 1-2 years before this new chip comes to market, that kind of horsepower means big things for future generations of mobile tech. Here's a quote with some other interesting tidbits,

Imagination Technologies wants to emphasize energy efficiency with this new GPU. It has six processing cores that are smart enough to know when to turn off two or even four of those cores, depending on what’s being displayed on the screen. The G6630 also supports the latest graphics standards, including OpenGL ES 3.0/2.0/1.1, OpenGL 3.x/4.x, OpenCL 1.x, and DirectX 10.

When one pauses to ponder this level of power in future devices, the mind begins to boggle. Very soon, mobile tech will vastly surpass anything we currently have even on the PC or console side of things. Of course, PC and console tech isn't sitting still either, so at that time there may be something equally as impressive. Still, the disparity between the two industries is shrinking by leaps and bounds. Eventually they will not longer be separate, and our mobile PCs will be capable of some truly staggering feats of cyber-imagination.

Source: AndroidAuthority