Question about rooting


Jan 24, 2011
Ok I need a little (a lot of) help. I have an sd card reader built into my computer and after following the steps outlined at NookColor Rooting - nookDevs to write an image of Autonooter on a microsd card (4 gigs class 4) using win32diskimager I am stuck. After completely turning off my nook, inserting the card and plugging the usb cord into my nook, my nook does the stock boot up and says I am in USB mode. On my laptop, two windows explorer windows open up: an F drive window which is my nook and a G drive window which is my micro sd card inserted in my nook. The G drive window is identical to the autonooter image found at nook devs. Also, a notification window pops up stating drivers could not be installed. My nook is version 1.0.1 and I have the correct autonooter version.

Sorry for the overly detailed post and thanks for any help you can offer! I know I'm doing something wrong I just don't know what....
Give this a try: restart the Nook, booting it normally with no sdcard. Then put the sdcard in, go to the system menu, and then format the sdcard.

Next, rewrite the autonooter image using your PC (you may have better luck with an external card reader; I think nookDevs recommends against internal readers and cell phones), and try rebooting with it in the Nook!

Sounds like you didn't write the auto-nooter image to the sd card correctly and you just went through a normal boot up. Did you check the sd card after formatting image to sd card? The sd card should be only 40mb instead of the 4GB it originally was.
@rico2001 and gadgetrants

I tried to rewrite the card and still no luck. I think my card reader isn't working correctly because after I try to write my sd card I am not able to open it and check whether the card is written correctly unless it is in my nook. I'm going to buy an external card reader and update the thread then. Thanks for your advice!