Unable to boot up completely 1.2 ManualNooter


Apr 2, 2011
I rooted my 1.2 NC about two weeks ago with ManuelNooter and all was well and fine. Last Friday I got home from work and plugged in my NC to charge. I left it plugged in until Sunday night, unplugged it and turned it off, before I went to bed. This morning, I turned it on and it appeared to start booting normally. It went past the "U" boot screen to where it starts scrolling the "Nook Color" letters. The word "Nook" scrolled completely, but it hung up at the first "O" in "Color", and repeatedly went through the same motions, never completely booting. I'm wondering why it's failing to boot up. Perhaps I left it plugged in too long. I don't have my CWM sd card with me at work so when I get home, I'll reinstall ManuelNooter, but I first thought I'd see if I can get any ideas while I'm still at work. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
It is sometimes possible to get stuck in a boot loop. It shouldn't have anything to do with charging. You can try powering down and then plugging into the PC via usb. Sometimes the usb connection helps to unstick the boot loop. If it doesn't power on automatically when connected to the pc power it up and see if it works.

Did you by chance install CWR or use a bootable CWR SD to create a backup? If not you may have to startover.
I will try the USB connection when I get home and I neglected to create a backup. Rookie mistake.
I have the same problem.

I was playing a game called Zomblings. I tried to exit it with the physical nook button (which I have configured with softkeys) but it did nothing. The only way I could get out of the app was to click the link "Like us on facebook" which launched the nook browser. However after that I was in some weird limbo where I couldn't launch the menu, my background was changed to the official B&N one and I couldn't get back to the regular background using softkeys back key or the home key. Which meant I couldn't pull up the menu to launch apps. I powered down the nook and then restarted and now I'm stuck in the same loop you are.