4.8-5 inch MID with integrated speakers?


Aug 22, 2010

I am looking for a MID that can do only a few things VERY well:

1. Function as an e-book, mainly with PDF files.
2. Run Olive Tree Bible Reader 4- or a similar program
3. Play MP3's over the integrated speaker- I would like good sound, and as loud as possible.

I don't care so much about additional features, speed on the internet, downloading/streaming, ect. I think I like the 4.8-5 inch as it can fit in my pocket and is fairly easy to read PDF's. So far I like the look of the Ramos w7, and it's price. I was looking at the Archos 5, but the $300+ tag has me hesitating- that and I do not need all that memory or features.

The 7 inch tablets are out as I want something easy to carry, and any smaller then 4.8 and I fear I will have a very hard time splitting screens in the bible programs.

Thanks for your input!


I just found this site: http://www.**********/tablet-pc-with-gps-navigation-5-inch-mid/p-ff8080812a84371e012a8884217b6c41.html
Has anyone heard of this product? It looks like it has better speakers then most other MID's, and it has a stand, which I like, but I cannot find any more info on it.
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I have bought from dhgate before and they are great i dont know much about this tablet but it does look like what you want but i would do some shopping around first, like check out JTSHOP they have a couple tablets under 5 inches