7 reasons the Kindle Fire is better than the iPad


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
My Kindle Fire arrived last night. I was surprised to find myself excited, waiting for it to arrive. This was especially surprising, because in September, I detailed 12 reasons you might NOT want to buy a Kindle Fire.

To be fair, I’ve only had a few hours to tinker with the new device, but I can already say that there are a bunch of ways the Kindle Fire is better than the iPad.

Reason 1: Price
This is the Big Kahuna of reasons. The Kindle Fire is $199. The cheapest iPad is $499. There’s three hundred big reasons the Kindle Fire is better, already.
Obviously, if the device was terrible, the price savings wouldn’t matter. But — at least on first impression — the Kindle Fire is solid, fast, and smooth. In fact, it seems to be just as nice, if not nicer than the iPad.
The proof: within about an hour of my using the Kindle Fire, my wife wanted one. And, at $199, it was easy to make her happy and pull the trigger. Hers, though, will arrive in a few weeks since she didn’t pre-order.

Continue reading @ 7 reasons the Kindle Fire is better than the iPad | ZDNet
I think the price better than ipad.

My Kindle Fire arrived last night. I was surprised to find myself excited, waiting for it to arrive. This was especially surprising, because in September, I detailed 12 reasons you might NOT want to buy a kindle fire case.

To be fair, I’ve only had a few hours to tinker with the new device, but I can already say that there are a bunch of ways the Kindle Fire is better than the iPad.

Reason 1: Price
This is the Big Kahuna of reasons. The Kindle Fire is $199. The cheapest iPad is $499. There’s three hundred big reasons the Kindle Fire is better, already.
Obviously, if the device was terrible, the price savings wouldn’t matter. But — at least on first impression — the Kindle Fire is solid, fast, and smooth. In fact, it seems to be just as nice, if not nicer than the iPad.
The proof: within about an hour of my using the Kindle Fire, my wife wanted one. And, at $199, it was easy to make her happy and pull the trigger. Hers, though, will arrive in a few weeks since she didn’t pre-order.

Continue reading @ 7 reasons the Kindle Fire is better than the iPad | ZDNet