9740 Losing files on restart


May 12, 2013
Working on my 2nd 9740, and a new problem arises.

Using the 9742 method I successfully used on my first, I have root and CWM installed. The problem I am now running into is every time I copy the gapps file to /mnt/extsd and restart the tablet for clockwork recovery, the file is deleted. CWM doesnt recognize /sdcard so I cant save the file there and then navigate to install.

Any ideas on why the file is deleting, or if its possible to get CWM Recovery to recognize both internal and external sdcards like my 7042 in cwm recovery did?
Thanks again
A little more research into this matter and I have found:

On my 1st 9740 where I had no problems, I had to copy the GAPPS file to /mnt/extsd/, reboot into cwm and install GAPPS. /mnt/extsd/ is currently set to ---rwxr-x.
On my 2nd 9740 where I am having the issues with the file disappearing, /mnt/extsd/ has no permissions ---------.

Using ES File Explorer, I can change the permissions, however, they do not stick, rebooting into recover does the same thing for the file, it resets permissions and empties the directory.
Using terminal, I originally received an error telling me the system file was protected, now I get no error and upon checking, I get the correct permissions just the same as if I had done it in ES File explorer. However, upon rebooting, I once again lose permissions and the directory empties.

/mnt/ has the same permissions on both tablets rwxrwxr-x. Both tablets are running the same superuser and CWM, and both were installed using the same process to this point.
I know its rooted superuser has no errors and has been updated. CWM has installed and I can reboot into it through terminal, but when I navigate to the sdcard, it wont let me and says "no files found".

After comparing the contents of the /mnt/extsd/ directories, my working 9740 has LOST.DIR and clockworkmod folders, as I said before the nonworking tablet is empty.

The best I can figure, there is a permissions error somewhere, I just dont know how to fix it.
Again, any assistance is appreciated.
Thank you
I would try using a terminal emulator and run the following:

chmod -R 075 /mnt/extsd/[/B]

You will probably have to grant SuperUser access to the terminal window after you type the su command.

That should give you ---rwxr-x permissions.

Also, how is your card formatted? If it is not FAT32, most recoveries cannot see it (NTFS and exFAT).
Thanks for the response. However, since then i was able to get that fixed i went on to install, through cwm, the exact same gapps package as on my 9740.
Cwm says install successful, tablet says android is updating after reboot. But, no play store or any evidence of change is visible. Going into /system/app/ i dont appear to have the play store apk (phonesky.apk) which would imply gapps did not in fact install.
Without an error of some kind, im afraid im at a loss.
As always, asistance is greatly appreciated. Hopefully this will be the last root/cwm/gapps issue.
Thanks again.

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