A blank screen


Jan 1, 2011
After a few weeks of successful use my flytouch II has stopped working completely.

Pressing the power button (for any length of time) the unit no longer vibrates and the screen does not change (remains black.)

When the charger is plugged in the charge light comes on bright red. After some time it goes off. Monitoring the current it looks like the unit is charging the battery during this period.

I have tried the various button press sequences described in these pages but the unit does not respond to any of them - I do not get any menu options.

I have sent a message to the supplier (ebay based) and am awaiting a response.

I am tempted to open it up to look for loose connections etc. but that is a last resort.

Should I attempt a boot from USB, or am I looking at a return?

Thanks in advance.
Hi there

Just bought the 2.1 version from ebay and still haven't managed to get it working. Sounds similar to above posts. Charges then the light switches off. When I switch it on just goes to a blank screen flashing ANDROID, no menu or options totally nothing. It wont even switch off again. Has anyone got any further with solutions? would be appreciated if you could let me know before I throw it out the window grrrrrrrrr thanks in advance :)
I recently bricked my superpad infotmic x220 while trying to update, now it is not even powering on, no response for any key combinations, red led glows when connected to charger, USB connection display is not appearing after prop key combination (blank) although proper driver is in my PC (before brick it was communicating with pc well). Kinldy help me to bring my superpad alive.
I have the same problem. Detail: My tablet is new. I only see a black screen. Help please!!!

First off...

Good archaeology work!!! NICE fossil! :p

2nd, gotta ask... black screen with SOMETHING ON IT is NOT a black screen...

if it
1) Has the ANDROID_ on it and the _ is flashing sometimes, it is not DOA...
....you must decide if you have the abilty to follow the information on this site to work with it. IT CAN BE DONE.
2) DOES NOT have ANYTHING on it but BLACKness...
.... attempt a refund/replacement unless youve 'messed with it'. (like opened it up and/or broke things). IF IT IS TRULY NEW and you havent messed with it it is DOA and should be returned.

My 2 (US) pennie's worth. :p
I Just got my new Flytouch 3 SuperPad.
When i turn on it was only Blank WHITE Screen.

I try do factory reset(power, home, back ) (power . menu , back) itd.
Noting happend.
What's wrong with him and how can i fixed or make working properly?