A couple questions about my new ChinaPad


Feb 8, 2011
This is my first post on the forums, so let me first say that I'm happy to be here. Second, I searched the forums for a while before posting this and wasn't able to find what I was looking for so I'm hoping someone here will be able to help.

My wife purchased an Android Tablet for me for a late Christmas present. She bought it off Craigslist. Brand new in the box. The only thing the box said was MID. A pretty plain, non-descript tablet, which is fine. My problem is, it runs SO SLOW! Everything takes forever to load and half the programs are in Chinese. Is this just because it's a piece of crap and I'm out of luck, or is there something that can be done to speed it up and make it useful? I'm hoping for some sort of softward update that I just haven't been able to find but I'd even be open to hardware changes if anyone could make a suggestion. I found the site where I think the Craigslist guy bought it from so that you can see the model and what little information I have about it. I'm looking forward to getting this thing up and running so any help would be much appreciated.

manufacturer supply 7 inch tablet,netbook,MID android 2.2,flash 10.1, products, buy manufacturer supply 7 inch tablet,netbook,MID android 2.2,flash 10.1, products from alibaba.com

Thanks again,

durin2001: Unfortunately there is a reason why it's listed as $90. 256MB RAM isn't going to run Flash 10.1, and I seriously doubt it's truly running Android 2.2. I suggest running z4root (root it) and try to kill off any programs that are starting up when it first loads.

If you want to run flash, true Android 2.2 etc.... the price range will be $160 - $299.