a few questions before purchasing one


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2012
I'm almost ready to buy a Asus transformer TF300T-A but have a few questions on the tablet.
1) USB connection. From reading user reviews, it appears that you can get data off from NTFS formatted USB drives. There are adapters to buy that you can directly connect a drive to the tablet and copy files. There is also a post that you can transfer files directly from another PC (?) without any adapter. my questions -
With an USB device connected, is it read-only or both read-and-write capable on Android OS?
Without purchasing an USB adapter, can you transfer files between the tablet and a PC?

2. HDMI connection - If I connect it to a TV or a big monitor, what resolution do I get? Is it the same as on Tablet or higher? I'm confused by 1080P ready term used. Since the tablet is usually 1280 x 800, how can it play 1080P video? Is it just scaled down or it plays full resolution when connected to an external device such as HD TV?

3. GPS - does it work? Does it work with traffic report?

4. audio jack appears to be one with both in and out. I have regular headset and audio adapter for speakers. Do I need to buy an adapter in order connect it to an ext. speaker?

Thanks for your help,
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