A pair of questions regarding Disgo Tablet 6000, DG2.2, and Text-to-speech


Aug 29, 2011
Hello guys,

a few days ago i bought from Amazon a Disgo Tablet 6000, which included Android 2.2. Probably the main purpose i wanted to give the tablet was to use the Text-to-speech function that is bundled with Android, for various reasons.

So after spending a few minutes with the tablet, i was extremely baffled to see that the Voice output option wasn't present among the rest of the settings. After trying many different Text to speech software and installing various voice engines (PICO, SVOX, etc), i still couldn't get it to work. It was as if that version of Android had the option disabled and didn't allow any other software to use it.

So considering that i bought that tablet almost specifically for that matter, i was and currently am, pretty frustrated and desperate.

As I am an Android noob, i haven't got enough skills to try and enable that option manually via commands, if that's even possible, so as a last resort, i started to contemplate the option of doing that gorgeous tutorial you guys have to manually update the tablet to DG 2.2.

Having that said, before doing anything, i wanted to ask you people a pair of questions:

1) Is there any potential risk of having a brick because i'm updating the tablet from a 2.2 to a different 2.2 instead of 2.1 to 2.2?

2) Most importantly, does the DG2.2 firmware have the text-to-speech/Voice Output enabled? Because if it doesn't, it wouldn't make much sense to do the update.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Kind regards.
we'll, accordingly to what you are mention trying to make an update from 2.2 that you already have for the dg2.2 os, it doesn't make sense because you already have 2.2 on you tablet, it doesn't matter if you have an original os, the dg2.2 its actually an update for sylvania ones tablet for the people at a time that owns their tablet and were looking for UN update coming from 2.1, 2.0 and below in some cases, it can work with the disgoo too, but its mainly the same thing; what I did is installed google voice search and install slideit keyboard 4.1, the slideit allows to have text to speech and also multiple language on writing as well, but google voice search works only if you have internet access, so in the slideit keyboard it shows you a microphone where you'll have to press it before start the text to speech function

Sent from my Sytabex7 Tablet using android forum
we'll, accordingly to what you are mention trying to make an update from 2.2 that you already have for the dg2.2 os, it doesn't make sense because you already have 2.2 on you tablet, it doesn't matter if you have an original os, the dg2.2 its actually an update for sylvania ones tablet for the people at a time that owns their tablet and were looking for UN update coming from 2.1, 2.0 and below in some cases, it can work with the disgoo too, but its mainly the same thing; what I did is installed google voice search and install slideit keyboard 4.1, the slideit allows to have text to speech and also multiple language on writing as well, but google voice search works only if you have internet access, so in the slideit keyboard it shows you a microphone where you'll have to press it before start the text to speech function

Sent from my Sytabex7 Tablet using android forum

Thanks for the answer, but what i'm trying to do is the total opposite: i want the tablet to speak what i write with the keyboard. What you say is speech-to-text, i want text-to-speech. I installed both the SlideIt Keyboard and Google Voice and still keep having the same problem.

What i get from what you just said is that both the DG2.2 and my version of Android 2.2 are the same? I mean, no text-to-speech in either of them?

Thanks for the help.