Absolute Noob


Dec 27, 2011
Hey y'all, I'm the newest noob, and after reading a few threads, I do mean NOOB!! :D That said, HELP!! Oh yeah, I'm the grateful owner of a gTablet, and I'd like to flash a new ROM, but my tech knowledge seems practically nonexistent.Is there somewhere I can look to spell everything out for me? Like a 1-2-3, A-B-C deal? Is there a gTab ROM Kindergarten?I'd sure appreciate the help, HUGE-ly!!
First of all, you need to ask yourself why you need/want to flash a new ROM? Is there some function you want that can't be obtained by simply rooting it?

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First of all, you need to ask yourself why you need/want to flash a new ROM? Is there some function you want that can't be obtained by simply rooting it?

Sent from my DROIDX using Android Tablet Forum

I agree. Rooted my Samsung Galaxy 10.1 on day 2 of owning it. Put a new ROM on yesterday, (day 6....got it for Chanukah...) because I tend to hold my tablet in portrait mode (like a book) and many screens didn't rotate. (Mainly market!)

Tried different launchers, and they didn't help, so a ROM it was! ROM also upgraded my OS to 3.2 so that was a plus!

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And that's a good reason to ROM. You wanted a function that you couldn't get any other way. (To be perfectly honest, I bought an Eris on eBay solely to ROM it. I had my X well over a year before I ROMed it.)

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Still using my original Motorola droid! Took me a year to root it (had warranty....once that was up, rooted and Rom'd)

In that case, I wanted the darn led light to blink with screen ON! Available in Cyanogen and Rom's based on it. Was "native" on phone until 2.1....

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Muchas gracias!! I'm still learning my way around the site, so the links help greatly! And, I have a feeling the fun is only just beginning.. :)
Is rooting the same as repartitioning? If not, do i need to do both?
A huge Thank You!! Very helpful! I've now rooted and flashed CyanogenMod 1.7.. Fantastic!!! For any skeptical reader, the process is definitely worth it!! EVERYTHING is so much better, it's amazing :D

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Congratulations Tim, glad to hear everything worked out for you. Now you're officially no longer a NOOB.:cool: