Acer A500 vs. Asus TF101 (Transformer)


May 27, 2011
So I'm in a bit of a pickle, I can't decide if I should keep my Acer or my Asus. I have both right now but will be returning one of them, so I'm looking for any differentiators I can use to decide, here's what I've got:

- USB support right out of the box (not planning on currently picking up the ASUS keyboard)
- Feels sturdier
- Power connector isn't proprietary
- Rotation lock is a physical button, I find I use that a lot.
- Not quite as wide as the Asus.
- Plays youtube HD smoothly in the Youtube app. This seems very strange, given they are identical hardware wise, but the Asus stutters when watching HD in the YouTube app. The Acer doesn't, for whatever reason. I can get around it by watching in the browser... but I like the app.

- Feels snappier (might be my imagination, also I got this one 'later' so maybe the Acer is just a little extra bogged down by apps... though I have gotten them both to an identical state and the Asus seems to still have a very slight edge).
- Slightly better screen. It is noticeable when watching the same video content side by side.
- Gorilla Glass? (I can't confirm whether the Acer has this or not, have seen many posts both ways, and seen Acer confirm it both ways)
- Slightly lighter and very slightly thinner.
- Better sound (just seems better flat out, headphones are identical)
- Keyboard dock add on (though I am not planning to pick that up yet).
- $50 cheaper, though I had to pay $20 shipping so the net is $30 back to me. Not a big deal.

Any additional information, or things I should consider? I really don't know which to choose!
Here are my thoughts:

Both have gorilla glass, so you can't say one is better than the other there.
I like the minor UI changes Acer has made, and yes, I do like the lock rotation button on the side.
Physically, they look very different. I personally went for the Acer because of the fact it looks completely different than an iPad (metal back and a generally non-black box look).
Speakers, I agree, kinda suck on the Inconia, but headphones are great and I usually use those anyway.

But the biggest draw for me is USB support. I think you'll see after 3.1, that tablets without full USB 2.0 will be in many ways, left in the dust. The possibilities will be almost endless, and it'll make this feel a lot more well rounded as a computing and gaming device in the future.

Also, just by own beef, but having a bunch of Acer and Asus products in my house, the Acer ones are always built like tanks, while the Asus products (while they perform very well) seem to always have some sort of major flaw... be it odd glitches or simply manufacturing abnormalities.

I'd vote the Iconia, and return the Transformer... then again, I chose the Iconia, so... that choice is kinda obvious for me.
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I posted to the Iconia boards too so I expected a little bias :p I asked the same question too over in the Asus forums at XDA, so I'm just gathering opinions. I agree on all your points, mostly, though I like the UI mods that Asus did better. The Asus community is also a little larger. I agree though USB is a big plus.
The Asus community is also a little larger.

I tend to always go with the underdog. I never seem to go with the "popular" choice. But then, many times, the unpopular choice becomes the popular choice. Happened with Playstation, Nintendo during the GC days, Android, Apple (then Windows ha..), etc. I tend to always see the underdog as the one that works harder for my attention. When you're on top, you relax.. when you're below, you fight tooth and nail to get on top. So, I guess I figure Acer would provide better support and a better product.
I think the speakers on the Iconia are pretty decent.

As for Transformer vs A500 I have to say that if I had to do it all over again I would probably go with the Transformer. The keyboard dock for the Asus is just killer and of course the display is nicer. That being said I'll still be keeping my Iconia. USB host on the tablet is great, and the tablet seems to power portable 2.5" USB HDs well.
So I'm in a bit of a pickle, I can't decide if I should keep my Acer or my Asus. I have both right now but will be returning one of them, so I'm looking for any differentiators I can use to decide, here's what I've got:

- USB support right out of the box (not planning on currently picking up the ASUS keyboard)
- Feels sturdier
- Power connector isn't proprietary
- Rotation lock is a physical button, I find I use that a lot.
- Not quite as wide as the Asus.
- Plays youtube HD smoothly in the Youtube app. This seems very strange, given they are identical hardware wise, but the Asus stutters when watching HD in the YouTube app. The Acer doesn't, for whatever reason. I can get around it by watching in the browser... but I like the app.

- Feels snappier (might be my imagination, also I got this one 'later' so maybe the Acer is just a little extra bogged down by apps... though I have gotten them both to an identical state and the Asus seems to still have a very slight edge).
- Slightly better screen. It is noticeable when watching the same video content side by side.
- Gorilla Glass? (I can't confirm whether the Acer has this or not, have seen many posts both ways, and seen Acer confirm it both ways)
- Slightly lighter and very slightly thinner.
- Better sound (just seems better flat out, headphones are identical)
- Keyboard dock add on (though I am not planning to pick that up yet).
- $50 cheaper, though I had to pay $20 shipping so the net is $30 back to me. Not a big deal.

Any additional information, or things I should consider? I really don't know which to choose!

For me the idea of the dock (and the connectors on the tab) actually ruins the experience. A tablet is supposed to be a tablet. If I want a screen and keyboard, I'll use my netbook. As to the sound, its noted as a positive in the reviews I've seen. I personally think they're just OK, but I'm spoiled because I also own the playbook, best small speakers out there (best screen too).
I vote to keep the Acer. Do you know, if you have to service your tablet, Asus won't pay for your shipping? The sound on my Asus went the second day. The customer service pinpointed as the problem with the sound card. They won't pay for shipping. I am out $30. :mad: For the long run? My advice is to keep the Acer.
i have seen this comparison being done a lot.. what i am interested to know is which one is better among the acer iconia tab a500 and acer iconia tab w500???
i just cant decide which one to buy as there is difference of about 100$!!
in windows since i already got a laptop i can i hope transfer all my apps (mainly pdf editor and vlc player..) wont need to search them or buy..
but with android i hav no experience.. do they hav any free app for editing pdf and playing MKV & AVI format?
Does the ASUS have true GPS ?

I just assumed the Acer had triangulation/Wifi location, but reading here I decided to download a GPS program. In my house I get not less than 5 satellites. My G2 phone is a Hotspot so I took it out for a spin, very accurate, now I have a 10" GPS should I ever need it. Plus, and a huge plus, you can use Google My Maps. Note, you need the internet to get Google Maps even though the tab GPS for location.

If the ASUS doesn't have that, I would pass. If it does, I wouldn't sweat the USB, I have a program that does it wirelessly, even let's me put files on the SD card.

The other note I would make which doesn't apply to the original poster. No local stores have the ASUS, went to several places and they didn't have any idea when it would be in stock. You can find them on the web, but my last tab had issues, and I'd rather just take it back then deal with that nightmare again.

I went to Best Buy to check them out, and I was going to chech out the ASUS. I had no intention of getting it, just wanted to see if the hype was true. They didn't have it, but had the Acer, and I was amazed, Honeycomb is so far ahead of Gingerbread on the tablet. I never buy on impulse, but I didn't want to wait for the ASUS, so I got it. I had o have it.

Not having the ASUS locally has got to be a wet dream for Acer.
The other note I would make which doesn't apply to the original poster. No local stores have the ASUS, went to several places and they didn't have any idea when it would be in stock. You can find them on the web, but my last tab had issues, and I'd rather just take it back then deal with that nightmare again.

I went to Best Buy to check them out, and I was going to chech out the ASUS. I had no intention of getting it, just wanted to see if the hype was true. They didn't have it, but had the Acer, and I was amazed, Honeycomb is so far ahead of Gingerbread on the tablet. I never buy on impulse, but I didn't want to wait for the ASUS, so I got it. I had to have it.

I had the same experience. No one locally carried the Asus, in the store or on their web pages. None of them were listed as "backordered" ... only "sold out". That made me feel a bit uncomfortable. The unit might be wonderful as spec'd ... but maybe they're having issues in getting pieces/parts for manufacturing? What does that mean for the ones that are 'available' at the no name online dealers? Do they have them? Are they refurbished units? What does that mean for the units that BB and others finally get? Will they be sub-par for a while for whatever reason? Since they haven't been able to have strong sales ... what does that mean for the eventual survival of the unit/brand and corresponding support?

The Asus really piqued my interest ... the Acer delivered. Now, if only we could get our hands on a faux-leather stand-up portfolio case with proper cut-outs!
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USB is the only thing that counts on a tablet, because in many ways a tablet is just like your netbook. Not to be able to use a simple USB drive or require an adapter on a thing as big as a tablet is plain stupid.
I agree its stupid to not include USB support on the tab itself, but not a dealbreaker for me as far as the Asus is concerned since the keyboard dock includes it. I look at usb support as an extra feature only needed when i am going to use the tab in "netbook" mode, so as long as the Asus has plenty of internal storage (I'm opting for the 32GB model), a "working" SD card slot, and usb support on the keyboard dock - its a non issue for me.
well, currently i dont know what to do but my impresions are: the asus is lighter and a tablet is supposed to be lighter. It has usb on the keyboard, don't forget that. about battery honestly I dont know. screen is better in asus. i have to say i had a prpblem with the acer which kept falling from the web i dont know why. the asus doesnt vibrate which is something i believe is not that important in a tab.
I initially bought transformer from Tiger Direct. The body of it felt cheap and creaked when I held it so I contacted Tiger Direct who said--at that time--that Asus was not allowing refunds; my only option was to ship it back for repairs. So, I chose to sell my Transformer on eBay when these were hard to find any where. Sold it for $380.

Last night I bough the Acer A500 for $299 at Staples and so far it feels like it is a much better built device. And I love the USB port. Oh, and I have 14 days to return it to the store for a refund if I don't want or like it.