Adboe Readere question


Mar 2, 2011
My son sent me a pdf file of a pilot script he wrote. I side loaded it into my Library - Files folder on the NC. I wasn't pleased with the way in which the Nook allowed me to view it -- very minimal page controls and awkward to use.

I downloaded Adobe Reader from the Market, to see how it works. However, it doesn't see the pdf file, and the Settings don't give me the option of directing it to my Files folder.

Should I be storing the pdf files somewhere else, or is there a better Reader out there?
Yeah, that did it. That thread didn't turn-up in my search. Now, if I can just learn to spell Adobe Reader (or learn to type slower...)!

Yep, thanks, Rico. As I mentioned in #3, that did the trick. While Adobe Reader works better than the stock NC reader for pdf files, it still leaves something to be desired. With AR, I can now tap for page forward and back, but it reverts to un-expanded size, after each page change. I'll probably try a couple of other readers for comparison.