Ainol NOVO 7 Advance, DROPAD A8HD or PLOYERMOMO7? Help Please


Dec 10, 2011
Hello everybody, i've been reading for a long this fantastic forum, but i still with my question :/ i hope you can help me!

I'm going to purchase it on Pandawill, but I don't have any idea about which one should i buy (Ainol NOVO 7 Advance, DROPAD A8HD or PLOYERMOMO7) . I have the following questions:

-Which one is more powerful?
-Which one has a official support / community ? ( Software upgrades to 3.0 , 4.0 ...)
- I would buy the NOVO 7 Advance because it has official support but it has a poor display. Is the novo7-advance a bad display? Look it grey?

In your opinion, which one should i buy?

Thank you so much, and sorry for my English, I'm from Spain.

See ya!
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