Always getting "Booting recovery Kernel image" on Gtablet


Jan 27, 2011
The rundown....
I started off with the "android.process.acore" force close situation.
Tried to start from scratch.
Followed directions to upgrade to 1.2
including partitioning SD card etc. device did not upgrade.
In addition, I cannot access the CWM. It keeps coming up with the "Booting recovery Kernel image"
I then look into reinstalling the CWM.
Nothing installs and continue to get the "...Kernel" message and reboot.
I tried installing and running the NVFlash, but nothing seems to happen to the tablet.
I ultimately want to start from scratch and get the latest updates with probably Honeycomb Illuminate(or other recommended ROM), but can't seem to get anything to install on the tablet.
I imagine there are folders I can delete from the tablet, but not sure where to start.

Any/all help is MUCH appreciated as I have spent the last 4 hours trying different methods and have not gotten anywhere.
try this:

1. Connect the tablet via USB
2. Put the Tablet into APX mode by pressing and holding the Vol- Key and Power button. You should see the bird screen then the display will turn black
3. Since you said you have done NVFlash, try doing this, open a Command prompt, navigate to the directory where you have the nvflash.bat file
4. Enter nvflash --bl bootloader.bin --download 9 part9.img
5. Press enter
6. Power cycle your tablet when you finish this.
First off, thanks for replying so quickly yesterday. I would've never thought it would be that fast. And thanks for all the tips I have used from Many of your posts.

I tried running NVFlash again so that I could let you know the error I get:
"Nvflash started"
"nvflash configuration file error: file not found"

Then when I run what you had told me:
....."is not recognized as internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

When i put my cursor over the nvflash_gtablet file, it says its a batch file.

Thanks again
Any luck? I know that Peter is unavailable for a while. I am a noob so I hope this may help. I went to viewsinic for dummies and redownloaded all for 3588. and that helped me. I know you said 1.2 but I had many problems with that also. Please keep us informed