- Jan 5, 2011
- 2,205
- 131

According to a report on BGR, investor analysts have new sales projections for the Amazon Kindle Android Tablet for this year. Originally, many analysts expected Amazon to sell between 4-5 Million Amazon Kindle Android Tablets this year alone. Barclays analyst Anthony DiClemente has since offered a revised and more realistic number of about 2 million. After all, since the tablet is likely coming out in October or November, it will only have a few months to sell in 2011.
Despite these revised estimates and the short time-frame, the device will be selling during the busy holiday shopping season. Furthermore, these analysts and others expect the tablet to quickly become the number one selling Android tablet. Part of this is due to the mass of holiday shoppers that are already familiar with the Amazon Kindle eReader, the other reason is because of the $250 dollar price point for the tablet. While this is still a significant dollar amount for the current strapped economy, it is still a 50% reduction compared to the Apple iPad. Here's a quote from the BGR article with a few more details from the investor analyst,
Could Amazon actually be the manufacturer to turn Android Tablets into the iPad killer?DiClemente thinks adoption of Amazons affordable tablet will remain solid next year, with 6.4 million devices expects to sell in 2012; and as sales climb into the high single-digit millions, Amazons tablet could become the top-selling Android tablet in the segments short history. The analyst also believes Amazons 10-inch offering will become a reality next year, and Amazon will sell 1.5 million units on top of sales of its 7-inch slate.
Please check out our dedicated sister-site for all your Amazon Android Tablets news! You can find it @Amazon-Tablets.com!
Source: Amazon-Tablets.com via BGR