Amazon Silk Browser on VTAB

Not sure if this is more than just a cool hack, I have a Kindle Fire, at times it is cool but I prefer browsing with Opera, certain things tend to work better like dl from file servers and bookmarks etc. I imagine Amazon will improve the bowser, plus they will probably find a way to restrict it to the Kindle anyway because of the server side work it does.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I have heard about a bunch of browsing issues with the Kindle Fire and its browser so not sure why you would want to use it. If you want an alternative there are plenty, I have been using boat browser lately and liking it a lot.
Supposedly, on slow connections, Silk browser uses Amazon servers to dish out web pages faster than normal. Since I use ad hoc tethering when wifi isn't available, I thought I'd give it a test. For normal Wifi, I don't see any difference between Silk, Opera or Dolphin as far as speed is concerned.