AMiD-9743G GPS


May 31, 2014
First posting and only had the tablet since early this year, so apologies if the question has been asked/answered previously.

By way of introduction to my question.

Both cars I drive, have a inbuilt GPS unit that simply works off the GPS satellite system --- they are not connected to any form of internet or Wi-Fi service. I can be anywhere and turn on the GPS unit and it will very soon show me fairly accurately where I am.

The instruction manual (???) for the tablet says on the cover "with GPS". Page 36 of the manual which deals with the "Location Services", gives absolutely no instruction on how to use the GPS service.

On my tablet, I have "GPS Satellites" turned on and have "access to my location" ticked.

In the internet services section I have "Wi-Fi" turned off --- I have no need for it most of the time and would only use it to undertake a firmware upgrade or App download, etc.

When I click on the "Navigation" App, I get a message something like "searching for your location" and then nothing happens until the screen turns off.

The only way I can get the GPS feature to operate is to be in my back yard and in pickup range of my home Wi-Fi internet service and then when clicking on the "Navigation" App I get a map showing my location and a request to type in a destination, after which a highlighted map is displayed showing how to get to the typed destination. I have not tried to physically drive there with the tablet in the car to see what happens.

If what I am experiencing is correct for the tablet, how could I be somewhere miles from my home Wi-Fi signal (say in the middle of a national park where there is no mobile/cell phone or Wi-Fi signal) and use the tablet as a GPS unit? I have done this with my car installed units and they work correctly by logging into the GPS satellites.

Is what I am experiencing with my tablet correct for this tablet (ie there really is not a GPS feature), am I doing something wrong, or do I have a faulty unit (my second unit, the first had a faulty USB socket)?

I have spoken to the local Bauhn agent's customer service section and they did not even appear to understand what I was complaining about.

Any advice either positive or negative, will be greatly appreciated.

Can't believe that with more than 300 viewings, no one has tried to see if the GPS system on this Bauhn tablet actually works in a location where there is no WiFi signal available. Other forums I am associated with would have resulted in many responses agreeing with the posting, or stating that their product (whatever it might be) works correctly and if so giving solutions and/or advice.

This model tablet comes with a SIM card slot, I suspect the GPS will only work with a SIM card installed which would be pretty ordinary. You could try putting one in and switching data off. I have a cheap Samsung android phone and the GPS app works in that without the data switched on.
Quite a but of searching just now and I can't find specs on that tablet that say it actually has GPS, despite what the manmual may say. It may be a generic manual intended fore several models. See this link as an example First review Aldi $249 Tablet | CustomTec.

With that said not all GPS in tablets are created equal Some have what's called assisted GPS which may or may not mean the GPS is accurate or that it will only work on 3/G/4G or WiFi and uses the signal location as a reference.
Thanks for the responses and apologies for the delay in replying (been out of town and the GPS would have been nice !!!).

The box and the manual clearly state that the unit has GPS and within the settings menu, there is the option to turn on/off GPS Satellites, so as a dumb user, I would presume that the unit does have a GPS facility.

If to make the GPS system work, the unit has to be connected to a wi-fi signal, then it is virtually useless, especially when travelling. In Australia (where I live), you can travel for miles with absolutely no mobile phone or wi-fi signal. and even if driving around town, there is no wi-fi signal available in a car unless you link the tablet to yourmobile phone and start using valuable (and expensive) data access via your mobile.

As I initially stated, the GPS units installed in my two cars, DO NOT require a connection to any form of wi-fi service or mobile phone, they both locvk onto GPS satellites and as such can be used virtually anywhere in Australia.

So my question is:

The the unit is advertised as having GPS facility and has the ability to turn on/off GPS satellites, why does it not operate in GPS mode?

Or am I just dumb and not understanding what I have to do to get it to give me GPS functionality!!!!!

I would really like it if someone could take their unit somewhere where there is no operating mobile phone (ie turn off their phone) or any wi-fi signal and see if they can get their unit to work in GPS mode and if they do, to write exactly what they did to make it work and if they used software other than the "Location" software supplied with the tablet, what software was used.

Leeshor, the report you gave the link for is for the previous model, which I believe did not have the GPS function, the unit I have is the AMid 9743g. If you go to the following link and on the first photo zoom in on the box that says 42147 and on the LHS you will see where it lists GPS as one of the functions. The boxes on top of the picture are for the older unit you suggested in your link

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I wish I had a solid answer for you but everything I read ends up confusing me. If a tablet has GPS and it doesn't specifically say assisted GPS it should work without needing any WiFi or data connection. With that said, to be able to make good use of it you would need a GPS enabled app. There is an app on the Play Store called GPSfix which should tell you if the GPS is working or not. If it sees the Sats then it is working.