An ALMOST-READY CWM Recovery for the XL Pro 2!!!


Jul 16, 2011
A poster in the Allwinner SOC area has an almost-completely-working Clockwork Recovery that soon will be 100% operational on our tablets!!


as shown in the post mentioned, I have already tried it and have only the internal storage (/sdcard) and external TF (sd-ext) that need changing!

WIll post again once I find that it works 100%!!!

VERY exciting! This was my only MAJOR issue with the tablet - the ability to do a full backup of everything!! :D :D
A poster in the Allwinner SOC area has an almost-completely-working Clockwork Recovery that soon will be 100% operational on our tablets!!


as shown in the post mentioned, I have already tried it and have only the internal storage (/sdcard) and external TF (sd-ext) that need changing!

WIll post again once I find that it works 100%!!!

VERY exciting! This was my only MAJOR issue with the tablet - the ability to do a full backup of everything!! :D :D

I had no problem taking the recovery.img a part, anyway below is the recovery.fstab from the recovery.img, you would edit that to match your tablet then you should be good to go.

/boot emmc /dev/block/nandc
/cache ext4 /dev/block/nandh
/data ext4 /dev/block/nande
/emmc auto /dev/block/nandi /dev/block/nandi1
/sdcard vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /dev/block/mmcblk0
/sd-ext auto /dev/block/mmcblk0p2
/system ext4 /dev/block/nandd
/recovery emmc /dev/block/nandg
You took it apart... with what? Is it zipped/7z'd/????
I know what to do after I get it 'opened'... just dont have the right 'can opener'...
I see you are a windows guys, I just used normal Linux tools. Can be done either via or unpackbootimg both are common Linux unpacking tools.

Page size: 2048 (0x00000800)
Kernel size: 8154484 (0x007c6d74)
Ramdisk size: 1623636 (0x0018c654)
Second size: 0 (0x00000000)
Board name:
Command line: console=ttyS0,115200 rw init=/init loglevel=8
Writing recovery.img-kernel ... complete.
Writing recovery.img-ramdisk.gz ... complete.
I see you are a windows guys, I just used normal Linux tools. Can be done either via or unpackbootimg both are common Linux unpacking tools.

Page size: 2048 (0x00000800)
Kernel size: 8154484 (0x007c6d74)
Ramdisk size: 1623636 (0x0018c654)
Second size: 0 (0x00000000)
Board name:
Command line: console=ttyS0,115200 rw init=/init loglevel=8
Writing recovery.img-kernel ... complete.
Writing recovery.img-ramdisk.gz ... complete.

Not exclusively... in fact Im on my 'penguin box' (Ubuntu 12) right now...
'standard linux tools'... okay. Ill look for them! Thx! :D

Most of my tablets are Infotmic based and use cpio-formatted gzip files with a u-boot 64-bit header... REAL EASY to work with.
This is becoming.... fun.... :rolleyes:

It will actually be easy to fix...
Thanks again!


Tearing it apart and changing it is CAKE!!!

Putting it back together??
a ROYAL PITA!!! :(

Oh well... Ill finish it tomorrow! :p
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Okay! It SEEMS to be happy and functioning!

I did some 'rearranging' in that:

the EXTERNAL TF is known as SDCARD (so that it will RECEIVE the backup),
the INTERNAL STORAGE is referred to as BOTH LOCAL AND SD-EXT... so that it gets backed up as SD-EXT.

I did not test any of the formatting functions... tho I did try to get the busybox 'mkfs.vfat' to run on the internal storage and it would not...
So I removed some directories to ensure that the restore would bring them back... and I have my Kindle-books again! :D

Now, I suppose, I should see if the 'factory restore' it totally hosed. (as I suspect it is. Which is why I made sure I had a copy of it! :p )

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Okay! It SEEMS to be happy and functioning!

I did some 'rearranging' in that:

the EXTERNAL TF is known as SDCARD (so that it will RECEIVE the backup),
the INTERNAL STORAGE is referred to as BOTH LOCAL AND SD-EXT... so that it gets backed up as SD-EXT.

I did not test any of the formatting functions... tho I did try to get the busybox 'mkfs.vfat' to run on the internal storage and it would not...
So I removed some directories to ensure that the restore would bring them back... and I have my Kindle-books again! :D

Now, I suppose, I should see if the 'factory restore' it totally hosed. (as I suspect it is. Which is why I made sure I had a copy of it! :p )

Are you still working on this? I would be curious to get this going on my tab and/or maybe you could help me with some minor things with it. Thanks.
Sorry for the long delay here. Ive been putting my knee back together and haven't paid much attention to tablets... I also no longer own this XLPro2 but would be happy to get you a copy of what Ive done if you have been able to do a backup of the recovery partition...
Hey I know its been a little bit since your last post, but I was hoping maybe you would be able to post that copy you were working on. It would be a great help. Thanks