Hi guys,
Did you remember me?
I said that ''2.3 is coming soon'' and just like ı say,now it is AVAİLABLE!!!
Here is link,ı hope you enjoy;
Android 2.3 for Dropad A8
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: mid703_android2.3_2011_04_19.rar
lease be patient for 3.0.
Yes yes,it will come to
It is my upload and it is first in the world,enjoy
Did you remember me?
I said that ''2.3 is coming soon'' and just like ı say,now it is AVAİLABLE!!!
Here is link,ı hope you enjoy;
Android 2.3 for Dropad A8
Hotfile.com: One click file hosting: mid703_android2.3_2011_04_19.rar
Yes yes,it will come to
It is my upload and it is first in the world,enjoy