Android 4.2 New Features: Plus Video of Nexus 4, Nexus 10, Android 4.2 at Google HQ


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

We thought you guys might like to get a bigger taste of the new features in Google's newest Android 4.2, so we put together this little bullet-point article, complete with a link to Google's page with further details. We also included a cool video produced by The Verge showcasing Google's new big gadgets today, and featuring an insider look at Google HQ. Here's the summary of Android 4.2 features:
  • New mode called Photo Sphere - New Photo software Photo Sphere lets users take 360-degree photos with Android 4.2. It also allows users to take full 360-degree photos composed out of stitched images. Also, the composite images can be viewed right on the device and shared on social networks, and can post them on Google Maps.
  • There is now an improved on-screen virtual keyboard - This new keyboard features Gesture Typing. It's basically Google's take on Swype with upgrades. This new software automatically adds spaces and can predict the next word you are trying to type. Additionally, voice typing is improved. You ca speak your messages out-loud and the software can convert them to text even while offline.
  • Now includes multiple user support, and enhanced keyboard features (this feature is for tablets only) - Interestingly, the code for this feature was already in 4.1 but Google only just now "activated" it for users. Google indicated, "Everyone can have their own homescreen, background, widgets, apps and games – even individual high scores and levels! And since Android is built with multitasking at its core, it’s a snap to switch between users – no need to log in and out."
  • Android 4.2 Now includes wireless mirroring on any TV that is connected through the same Wi-Fi. This allows a user to display anything from your on your device's screen onto your HDTV, like YouTube, movies, pics and websites.
  • The final new feature is called Daydream - this new feature attempts to "jazz up" your lock screen. It basically displays entertaining or useful information (like your own personal photo album, or favorite headlines) while your Android is locked or idle.
It's amazing how much Google decided to pack into an "incremental" .1 update. Some of these features are things Google has been teasing or sorely needing for some time. What do you guys think?

Source: Android - What's New in Android 4.2
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