Android 9 Installed - Battery Life Shortened


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2013
Android 9 was recently installed on my Samsung Galaxy Tab A. Ever since then, the battery went from lasting a week (or more) to two days or less with the same usage. I keep turning off location, and I think I got it from not turning on by itself. The tablet still does not have nearly the same battery life as before.

Any ideas why I'm charging it so often?

Nope. It could be a screwup on Samsung's part. It could simply be that the ROM hasn't settled yet. There's too many different reasons why battery life could have gone to pot. I assume this is an upgrade?
Samsung problem? I got this update on the tablet, not externally. I don't understand what you mean by the ROM settling. Yes, I'm familiar with the term ROM. Thanks!
Regardless of whether you put it on there using Odin, or whether Samsung sent it as an OTA, it's a possibility that Samsung may have shipped a buggy ROM. As to the ROM "settling", when a new ROM is installed, whether it be from the manufacturer or a custom device, it's not optimized for your device. "Settling" is where the ROM optimizes itself based on your device and your usage patterns.

The point I'm making though is that these are nothing more than educated guesses. For all we know your battery could be going bad, as the batteries do have a limited lifespan. But again, that's a guess. The only things you can do other than having Samsung look at it are to live with the ROM that is currently on the tablet, or head over to or, find the previous version of the ROM, and flash it through Odin.
Regardless of whether you put it on there using Odin, or whether Samsung sent it as an OTA, it's a possibility that Samsung may have shipped a buggy ROM. As to the ROM "settling", when a new ROM is installed, whether it be from the manufacturer or a custom device, it's not optimized for your device. "Settling" is where the ROM optimizes itself based on your device and your usage patterns.

The point I'm making though is that these are nothing more than educated guesses. For all we know your battery could be going bad, as the batteries do have a limited lifespan. But again, that's a guess. The only things you can do other than having Samsung look at it are to live with the ROM that is currently on the tablet, or head over to or, find the previous version of the ROM, and flash it through Odin.

Thanks for the wonderful info. Bob