Android Browser Cache


Oct 28, 2011
I have had my ASUS Eee Transformer and keyboard for nearly a month now and I am appreciating its capabilities more every day.

My question has to do with how the default Android browser, or any other available browsers, handles temporary files in the cache. In using Windows for the past many years, I have appreciated the ability to access the Internet Explorer or Mozilla browsers "temporary files" directory to capture video clips and other graphics that are stored automatically when you view them through the browser. Since the default Android browser offers "clear cache" as one of its options under "privacy" under the settings tab, I was hoping that this browser also captured these viewed files as they were streamed to the browser. So far, I have been unable to view these temorary files in the cache. If anyone has any information as to how I might be able to access these temporary files, I would appreciate it.

Thanks in advance ... Gazelle2
I have had my ASUS Transformer tf101 since Christmas. LOVE IT! The mobile browser Firefox (not beta) can pair with the windows desktop and you can see all of the history, bookmarks, etc with Firefox for windows. I also use xmarks and read-it-later, both of which have apps for android. I just got the 2nd gen keyboard for my Transformer and it is fantastic. None of the previous issues with the keyboard lockingup, etc. are in this edition. ASUS is the one, 5 stars, no complaints.