Android Icecream for smart phones, Honeycomb for tablets?

Dennis J

Jan 10, 2011
[FONT=&quot] I read an interesting post on Slashgear today about how Android 2.4 Icecream will be the next significant update for Android smart phones, while Android 3.0 Honeycomb will probably come out for the tablet versions.
[FONT=&quot]The article also mentioned the significant modified UI of Honeycomb, which would make sense for Android to keep the two platforms separate, but my question is in how far this would have implications for app developers.
[FONT=&quot]Sounds so confusing… Any thoughts on this?[/FONT]
I'm kind of confused. No point in following since my devices aren't going to be upgradable :(
Really? Why not? I thought every Android device is upgradable.. Even the first Droid ever released... >.<