Android Lollipop Easter Egg is a Flappy Birds Clone with 'Andy' & Lollipops


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

The Googlers are famous for their numerous entertaining easter eggs they include in every version of Android. Their latest one merges the some interesting "flavors" into a playable game. They basically created a clone of the popular mobile game Flappy Birds, but instead of the "flappy bird" avoiding pipes, you have "Andy the Android" floating avoiding Lollipops. The only other difference is that this game plays from right to left, instead of left to right as in the OG Flappy Birds.

The above video shows how to access the Easter Egg. Obviously, only folks who have already downloaded the developer version of Android 5.0 on their devices can try it out, but very soon that will change once Google starts pushing the final build of Android 5.0 out to all phones. If you are a fan of Flappy Birds and Google's creative easter eggs, then this seems like a win-win for you!