Android Market on Nextbook 9?

Dec 26, 2011
I got a Nextbook 9 yesterday for Christmas and realized that the apps on the official android app store are much better than the ones on the "SlideMe" app store that comes with the tablet. Is there any way that I can get the app store on my tablet? I would appreciate any help. Thank you. :)
I tried rooting it with a bunch of different programs... Nothing worked. These tablets seem to be pretty unnoticed... :/
The right to download the latest official

Okay, does anyone know how I can get the my google account and android market both on my tablet? That's all I need to know. I downloaded the market apk, installed it, and all it said was "You need to activate with a google account". Then I click "okay" and everything closes. Is there any way I can get my google account to recognize that I have a tablet? HELP ME PLEASE! D:
When you first activated the tablet, did you need to sign in with a google account?

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new poster/member here--so kick softly if I offend thee:

I got a Nextbook9 Premium for myself--and am so far regretting it.
The OS is a gingerbread 2.3 with a chinese developers name xtension in the system details. It's pretty well locked down.
This is a newest version of the Nextbook series, and they seem to be perfecting the OS kernel lock.
I run the install (the dev is so sweet to include the utilities to do so) and am politely notified after the installation graphics finish that essentially-"application was NOT installed"

You can download apk files, but trying to install is another problem. My biggest issue is that if you search through the Youtube app that's included for anything related to the tablet (or rooting it, of course) there are NO results..

I feel like I am behind the iron curtain, even here

The Nextbook9P was happy to accept a chinese version of market (Hi something or other-I've reset and repacked tablet for now)
BUT I don't read chinese.

The only info I've found (AFTER purchase, of course) is that the only one instance of successful rooting was done by a user with enough tech savvy to compile a custom version of Gingerbread and update through that..(IF I remember correctly)

I myself never got that comfy with linux flavors..and this is the core of android..guess I'm going to dust-off my brain cell and start hangin' at the xda forum to see if they have something in a tut

If I find something helpful in my trials I will share...currently on day 3 of ownership.
new poster/member here--so kick softly if I offend thee:

I got a Nextbook9 Premium for myself--and am so far regretting it.
The OS is a gingerbread 2.3 with a chinese developers name xtension in the system details. It's pretty well locked down.
This is a newest version of the Nextbook series, and they seem to be perfecting the OS kernel lock.
I run the install (the dev is so sweet to include the utilities to do so) and am politely notified after the installation graphics finish that essentially-"application was NOT installed"

You can download apk files, but trying to install is another problem. My biggest issue is that if you search through the Youtube app that's included for anything related to the tablet (or rooting it, of course) there are NO results..

I feel like I am behind the iron curtain, even here

The Nextbook9P was happy to accept a chinese version of market (Hi something or other-I've reset and repacked tablet for now)
BUT I don't read chinese.

The only info I've found (AFTER purchase, of course) is that the only one instance of successful rooting was done by a user with enough tech savvy to compile a custom version of Gingerbread and update through that..(IF I remember correctly)

I myself never got that comfy with linux flavors..and this is the core of android..guess I'm going to dust-off my brain cell and start hangin' at the xda forum to see if they have something in a tut

If I find something helpful in my trials I will share...currently on day 3 of ownership.

I'd love to hear what you figure out. There are some cool apps on the slide me market place, like the emulators, but yeah. I'm pretty bummed about this tablet. :/
Anything on the Nextbook 9 yet?.. I am also frustrated with this tablet and don't know if to return it or keep it, it seems troublesome for newbies like me. I have the Android Market on my HTC phone and I love it, I also want it on my Nextbook, also looking for the regular Facebook app with chat and can't get it either... Is this going to be an impossible tablet to deal with?..
The following MAY work for you, it does for most tablets.

With acknowLedgements to squidge

Navigate to the "Market" by going to the app menu icon on the bottom right of the screen. The Market app appears as a shopping bag with the android logo on it.

1. Open the Market app and press the home button in the upper left corner of the screen to return to homepage.

2. Go to "Settings/Applications/Manage/Running

3. Press Market

4. Press "Clear Cache" (do not press clear data)

5. Press Force Stop

6. Return to Settings/Applications/Manage/Running

7. Press "Google Services Framework"

8. Press "Clear Data"

9. Press "Force Stop"

10.Go back to home screen and press the Market app to Start Google Market, and you will get an error message.

11.Shut off and turn the tablet back on. Once back in, the market should work. If you get an error message at this point, just wait a little longer and try again.

12.Everything should work at this point.

Also try activating your google account using your PC.

Edit: It can sometimes be necessary to use your PC to download Apps, on my tablet they are automatically transferred to, and downloaded to, my Tablet.
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I was able to root my P9 by loading a new ROM image. The guys at have created a custom ROM image for the P9 and it works great. You get the latest Android 2.3, google play (which is the full Android Market), it boots faster, and has access to more RAM. You need to follow the instructions closely, however they are written very clearly.

Check it out this thread at

Cheers, TooSlow
these tablets are trash but you can dowmload blackmart on it has all android market games but even better they are free