Android Market searches only showing ten results?


Feb 12, 2011
So i've had my NC for a week now, updated to 1.1 and rooted with autonooter 3.0 a few days ago, and havnt had any real problems. This forum is an absolute goldmine of information, thank you all!

But this is my first android device and im confused by the way apps are displayed in the market place. When I search or browse apps there is only ever ten results shown. It will say "3292 apps found" (or however many it finds) but I can't figure out how to display more than ten results.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a button or tab Im missing somewhere? Thanks in advance for any help!

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Landscape worked perfectly. Can't believe I never thought to try that. =) Also followed the tips in that link, and got it working in Portrait. Thank you both very much!
Better use Appbrain app. Get it from market and you'll never again use Market ;)
appbrain doesn't work with the new market avi...Android did that because now they offer the web based market
Actually whenever I tried, I got all apps installed from Appbrain. I must be lucky till now ;)
Better use Appbrain app. Get it from market and you'll never again use Market ;)

I'll confirm what Vic said and what you have said. AppBrain did break when the new market first came out but they fixed it in a day or two, so it works now. The advantage of the new Market is that it works like AppBrain so AppBrain's initial advantage is sort of moot.

However, AppBrain does easily fix the search results issue and like many android apps, might be preferential by some over the official Market app in the same way some prefer ES File Explorer and some prefer Astro and some just use both. Try them both see if you are for one, the other or both :)
AppBrain was actually the way I got around it.
Slowly been replacing all the stock nook apps. First DolphinMini, then AppBrain and now Aldiko. Feels like an easter egg hunt. =)